About the Client and the Problem we tackled

The business model of Boxy Logistics Ltd. is simple but revolutionary: with their Fulfillment service, they serve the warehouse logistics of online stores with robotized and error-free operation. Boxy also offers solutions for smaller online stores, ranging from 100 monthly orders to companies with millions of orders.

The company has proven that technological advances and innovation enable online retailers to reduce their warehousing and logistics costs by up to 30-50% while significantly increasing efficiency and reliability. Boxy has become not just a technology provider but a partner that helps online stores meet today's market challenges and future growth expectations.

When the company started, the fundamental question was whether to build its business model on on-prem or cloud infrastructure. Traditional, on-premise IT infrastructures often need to catch up with business growth and limit companies' ability to respond quickly to market changes and customer needs. In addition, increased hardware delivery times due to chip shortages can affect high upfront investment costs, which can delay the planned project start-up date.

Greenfield investments, where companies create entirely new infrastructure from scratch, are particularly challenging. Companies must consider their current needs and anticipate future needs and growth plans for such projects. Large-scale projects often require significant time and resources and are associated with high risk.

Boxy also faced this problem when it decided to build a fully cloud-based infrastructure.

The biggest challenge for the company was to create an infrastructure that would serve its current logistics needs and adapt to future growth and change.
App services enabled Gloster's experts to build and operate a fast and flexible infrastructure, while Azure SQL enabled Boxy to manage their data securely and efficiently.

Boxy Logistics Zrt. has started to build a complex cloud-based infrastructure with the help of Gloster Cloud, a specialist with almost ten years of professional knowledge and experience in building cloud infrastructure. The chosen platform was Microsoft Azure, the leading cloud service platform in the enterprise segment in Hungary.

The primary goal was to create a scalable and reliable infrastructure environment for Boxy to serve its current and future business needs.

The IaaS and PaaS solutions of the Azure cloud services platform played a crucial role in this. App services enabled Gloster's experts to build and operate a fast and flexible infrastructure, while Azure SQL enabled Boxy to manage their data securely and efficiently. Several PaaS solutions (storage account, key vault, service bus, AVD) were used in the system design.

The project focused on more than just application development and data management. For Boxy, the availability and reliability of data and services were paramount. The Geo Redundant system was the answer to this challenge. The production environment was hosted in a single location and geo-redundantly, i.e., in several areas. This guarantees the continuity of services even in a critical data center failure, as the system remains accessible from another location.

Gloster Cloud professionals have created an IT infrastructure and a value-added system that meets current and future challenges while ensuring data security and high availability. In doing so, the company guarantees its partners efficient and seamless operations.

Gloster's experts implemented the cloud solution and fully integrated and optimized it, ensuring the customer gets the best system for their needs. The company opted for state-of-the-art tools and technologies that competing companies often do not yet have or are not using to their full potential.

This unique, innovative approach and deep technological knowledge make Gloster stand out in the market and ensure that customers always get the solution that is precisely right for their needs.

During the preliminary needs assessment and technical meetings, Gloster experts gave an exhaustive and in-depth presentation, which clearly and concisely conveyed the company's expertise and the project's potential. Case studies, reference projects, and presentations by highly qualified professionals directly addressed the clients' critical issues and problems to be solved.

This high level of professionalism and the presentation of a precisely developed, customized solution convinced the client that Gloster Cloud was the right company to implement the project successfully. It became clear to Boxy that the value of the investment was not only measured in monetary costs but, more importantly, in the project's success, the long-term return on investment, and the potential for future growth.

Combining all these factors led Boxy to vote for confidence in Gloster Cloud and contract them for the project, demonstrating our company's commitment to customer success.

What will the future of the project be?

Gloster Cloud has helped Boxy build the infrastructure and is committed to assisting them after the projects are completed. It still actively supports the customers' operations, providing them with the necessary Level 3 (L3) support. This means a high level of technical assistance and guarantee of smooth system operation. L3 support ensures that the infrastructure setup performs at its best and that potential problems are addressed immediately.

In addition, Gloster constantly monitors changes in the business environment and the customer's growing needs. As business needs evolve, new mini-projects are created to expand and refine the original infrastructure. These mini projects ensure that the customer's technology infrastructure remains up-to-date and competitive, meeting the changing requirements of the industry.

Gloster Cloud strives to be a technology partner for our customers and a long-term, trusted business partner. We pride ourselves on working with our customers to shape the future of IT while maximizing business value and efficiency. These ambitions and our collaboration with the client ensure that the project is successful in the long term and that the client has confidence in Gloster's professionalism and expertise.

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