About the Client and the Problem we tackled

Magyar Telekom is a dominant player in the Hungarian telecommunications market, offering comprehensive solutions in ICT. It is more than just a service provider: it is an integral part of its customers' lives, providing high-quality services in telephony, Internet, television, and IT. Quality, reliability, and a wide range of services make Magyar Telekom the choice for many customers. It has a solid international presence thanks to its majority ownership of Makedonski Telekom, the leading integrated operator in Northern Macedonia.

Magyar Telekom faced a very complex challenge of commission accounting in connection with the diversified sales structure. Previously, commission calculation was done in several different systems, which created unnecessary duplication and caused severe difficulties in central management.

In addition to a uniform commission calculation, the modular structure was an essential aspect of the desired system. This means that the system can adapt to new challenges and changing business environments, allowing individual modules to be added or modified without redesigning the whole system. Modularity ensures the flexibility and scalability essential in a rapidly changing market environment.

It became clear to Telekom that a single, central system that could integrate all aspects of commission calculation was needed.
How we leveraged Oracle database management

Due to the complexity of the sales and commission calculation processes and the volume of data handled, Gloster-Lanoga wanted to develop an integrated and efficient system. In response to these challenges, the following solution was implemented:

We used the stored procedures of the Oracle database management system to pre-process the data and the logical calculations for the different commission calculation methodologies. These procedures allow the rapid processing of large amounts of data and are particularly suitable for complex calculation processes.

Using Oracle stored procedures ensures that the data remains consistent and up-to-date and provides fast response times in the system.

A central Java application displays this information after the Oracle stored procedures perform the necessary calculations and pre-processing. The application provides a graphical interface to display the data clearly and understandably. It also allows for further data analysis, filtering, and export.

One of the biggest challenges Gloster-Lanoga faced was processing the vast amount of data quickly and efficiently—traditional computing methods needed to be faster and more efficient to handle this data. Instead of simply increasing system resources or computing capacity, the team rethought the entire computing logic.

The goal was to create a methodology optimized for handling large amounts of data and achieving fast response times. Processing times were significantly reduced, even for the most complex calculations. The system can adapt to increasing data volumes without causing performance degradation. While increasing speed, the system continues to deliver accurate results that are reliable for business decision-making.

This approach was a technical feat and demonstrated the company's commitment to continuous innovation and improvement. By implementing new computational logic, Gloster responded quickly to customer needs, enhancing customer satisfaction and the company's competitiveness in the market.

The customer chose Gloster-Lanoga not based on technical expertise or price alone. The Business Analysts provided by our company had the necessary technical knowledge and were well-versed in the business world. This gave them a deep understanding and insight into business processes, even if they were based on years of complex business logic. While many companies need help to cope with projects of great complexity, our company built a team that could see through, understand, and effectively solve complex business challenges. Gloster focused not only on documenting existing logic but also actively sought to create new, more efficient, and modern solutions. Our team was able to rethink and rewrite business processes most optimally. Together, these qualities ensured that the client chose our company. We understood their needs and were ready to deliver value beyond their expectations.

What will the future of the project be?

The project was completed successfully and efficiently. However, as technology and business needs continue to evolve and change, the project may also have a future and room for improvement. Although our project has been completed, our partner, Simple Solution Services, will provide ongoing support and maintenance of the system. They are responsible for resolving issues in the system and adapting to new needs.

In summary, although Gloster has completed the project, many opportunities exist to develop further and optimize the system. The foundations are already in place; the challenge now is to adapt the system continuously to changing business needs.

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