Music Industry (Under NDA)
Cutting-edge technology and efficient backend control for a sophisticated mobile application
About the Client and the Problem we tackled

The client is one of the world's best-known and longest-established music labels, managing many artists and records. In addition to their global impact, they are also renowned for being ahead of the innovation trends in technology and adapting quickly to market trends.

Their dynamic, multi-faceted approach to the music industry ensures they are always at the forefront, whether it's the latest digital platforms, marketing strategies, or artist collaborations.

One of the client's flagship application projects is to help manage the publishing of music tracks worldwide. The explosion of mobile technology and the rise of smartphones and tablets has created a significant challenge for this application. Although the application had a mobile-optimized version, it could not provide a good user experience.

Even though the web version was optimized for mobile viewing, it became clear that it could give a different intuitive and efficient user experience than a dedicated mobile application.

The need arose for a solution to offer an optimal experience for mobile and tablet users in line with new technological trends.
Flutter offers the benefits of cross-platform development and provides a fast, efficient, and sophisticated user experience.

The solution we developed was a sophisticated mobile application that brought all the functionality of a Web-based system to users but with mobile-optimized views. The solution included a simplified layout and familiar user interface elements typical of mobile applications. The app was designed to be deployable on iOS and Android platforms, ensuring maximum reach and user base.

But the challenge was not just in developing the mobile app. Ensuring the new application would integrate seamlessly with the existing backend system was essential. Since the backend system already had all the necessary business logic, creating a thin, efficient, fast client was challenging.

We had to choose from various state-of-the-art technologies and frameworks to meet our current and future needs. To this end, we decided on the Flutter framework, which offers the benefits of cross-platform development and provides a fast, efficient, and sophisticated user experience.

When we talk about software development, the technology and functionality of the developed solution are as crucial as the user experience itself. The mobile application created by Gloster-P92 ITS Ltd. is more than just another application on the market. It is much more: a revolutionary technical solution in the communication between the back and front end.

For most applications, communication between server and client uses standard protocols. However, our application uses its custom binary protocol over the WebSocket connection. This solution provides exceptional speed and efficiency, minimizing data transfer delays and increasing system performance.

The design of the mobile application is based on the "thin client" principle. This means that the complex business logic and validation rules run on the backend system, and the app is only responsible for the presentation. Every interaction of the application, be it pressing a button or filling in a data entry field, is sent directly to the backend system, where a response is generated based on the appropriate business logic driving the mobile application.

This architecture allows complex and often changing business logic to be implemented only once, on the backend, thus minimizing the number of possible errors and development time. In the initial approach, the configuration of UI elements also came from the backend. However, this has evolved, allowing us to define which fields should be present in which interfaces in the application.

Developed by Gloster-P92 ITS Ltd, the system uniquely combines state-of-the-art technology and efficient backend control, ensuring you can maintain your mobile presence without changing your business logic.

The client had been working with P92 for many years. The knowledge of backend, desktop, and web applications developed in previous projects was already with P92. This was a significant advantage at the start of the new project, as their deep knowledge of the existing systems was of enormous value. The trust built up in previous collaborations and the close working relationship established during the joint work allowed the new project to start quickly and efficiently.

However, the technological advantages were also in favor of the P92. The knowledge of the Flutter framework was already a given for the company.

This framework allows easy and fast development on different platforms without implementing the application separately. P92's expertise in Flutter meant that the client could be confident that they would get the new application in the best possible quality and in the fastest possible time.

Gloster-P92 ITS Ltd's technological and industry expertise and previous successful collaborations with the client all contributed to the company's selection for this important project. The combination of these advantages ensured that the client received the highest quality of service in developing the mobile application.

What will the future of the project be?

The mobile application solution developed by Gloster-P92 ITS Ltd. has been a great success, so the client plans to port other Web and Desktop applications to mobile devices using Flutter technology. This new project offers a unique opportunity for Gloster-P92 ITS Ltd, giving them a freer hand in presentation and allowing them to create more innovative solutions and designs. The challenge now is to optimize all the functions of the applications for use on mobile and tablet devices, thus helping to enhance the user experience.

The project's future looks promising, and Gloster-P92 ITS Ltd. constantly strives to provide the best products and services to the customer using the latest technologies and solutions.

Technologies used
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